Tyre retreading is performed in accordance with strict technical regulations, namely UN/ECE Regulation 108 (passenger cars) and UN/ECE Regulation 109 (commercial vehicles).
These regulations control all retreading steps, lay down the requirements for approval of the retreading production unit and state which marks must be displayed on tyres.
In order to be granted and maintain the approval mark pursuant to Regulations 108 and 109, the retreading plant is subjected to checks and it must periodically have a set number of tyres tested for load and speed index, like for new tyres.
These checks ensure the same safety, performance and endurance levels as for new tyres. Retreads are mostly employed in the heavy truck industry and the aircraft industry, the latter being extremely safety conscious.
Approval for retreads falling under the scope of Regulations UN/ECE 108 and 109 (passenger cars and commercial vehicles) is mandatory.
As from September 13, 2006 retreads that are not produced in accordance with UN/ECE Regulations 108 and 109 can no longer be placed on the EU market.
This is set out in Decision 2006/443/EC of the European Council published in the Official Gazette of July 4, 2006. All retreads that are approved receive an approval mark (see pictures below).