08/09/09 On the Bologna and Ferrara Atc buses four tyres out of six are retreads, with cost savings of 35,000 EUR a year
67% of the spare tyres used on the 1,240 Atc fleet buses in the districts of Bologna and Ferrara are retreads. Using this kind of tyres, which offer the same safety standards and mileage as new tyres, helps Atc save some 35,000 EUR a year, not to mention the many environmental benefits provided by retreads.
09/04/09 Retreads achieve saving pf pver 270 million euros
In 2008, cost savings of 276 million euros were achieved in Italy through the tyre retreading business. Retreads also helped save 44,712 tons of raw materials and kept 44,218 tons of used tyres out of the environment. In terms of prime materials, savings of 155 million liters of oil and oil products were achieved.